1 Std. 25 Min. 13 Sek.
Dharma talk—A conversation about Tara
Marica Binder Schmidt
Weisheit des Buddha, Vajrayana – Einleitung

Dharma talk—A conversation about Tara

Here is the second of two Dharma talks, which continue the dialogue on the vital topic of 'Treasuring the Feminine in Tibetan Buddhism'. A conversation about Tara with Marcia Binder Schmidt with questions & answers and a guided practice of Tara at the conclusion of the talk.

Background on the topic—'Treasuring the Feminine in Tibetan Buddhism'

If you are interested in finding out more about the dialogue between Tibetan Buddhist sanghas on Treasuring the Feminine, have a look at the online symposium that took place in June 2021. The full compilation of the symposium is available on Prajna.

The wish was to gather and reflect on where we are at in our tradition when it comes to treasuring the feminine. It was also clear that the problems Vajrayāna Buddhist communities had faced in the student-teacher relationship between men and women had been greatly amplified by the many misunderstandings about Vajrayāna Buddhism itself.

On this occasion the main contributors were Mindrolling Jetsün Khandro Rinpoche, Elizabeth Mattis-Namgyel, Sangye Khandro, Chagdud Khadro, Marcia Schmidt, Venerable Karma Lekshe Tsomo, Lama Tsultrim Allione, Acharya Judith Simmer-Brown – in order of intervention.
Find out more at rigpa.org

About  Marcia Binder Schmidt

Marcia Dechen Wangmo, is a renowned Buddhist translator, editor, and writer who - with Erik Pema Kunsang - created Rangjung Yeshe Publications (www.rangjung.com). They have translated and produced over sixty-two titles that have been translated into fifteen different languages. 

She has edited Skillful Grace (2007) - Tara practice for our times  with pith instructions from Tulku Urgyen and Adeu Rinpoche, as well as the Tara Compendium (2015) with teachings by Chokgyur Lingpa, Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo, Jam
gön Komtrul, Adeu Rinpoche and Orgyen Tobgyal Rinpoche.

Marcia now teaches around the world sharing her humor, practice advice, and human approach to traditional Tibetan Buddhist practice.

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  • Bernhard - vor 1 Jahr
    Sur l'histoire de la Base du Chemin et du Fruit ,,, si je me réfère à l'Introduction à la Vue par Rinpoché en 96 par exemple ,,,,si le Maître transmet aux Élèves la Vue sur le Fruit sommet de la montagne pour Contempler le Chemin en en un Temps non chronométrable pour revenir en un claquement de doigt à la Base ,,,cela n'a plus aucune importance d'être comme ceci ou cela ... Sinon nous rentrerions dans des manipulations Brahmaniques du genre vous n'êtes ( nous ne sommes en fausse modestie) que des élèves en cours de purification,,,ce qui est vrai mais relatif.. Toujours les mêmes jeux de qui se donne la posture du Thérapeute et ceux qui restent Malades toute leurs existences. Bouddha refuse à l'heure de sa Mort toute effigie à son image et ne veut pas être vénéré,,, par aucun statuaire,,,ses derniers mots évoquant la Réalité Ultime sur nous sommes nos propres Lampes. Les Maîtres sont là pour nous rappeler que nous sommes les seuls Maîtres de "notre" Eveil .... Le business même vertueux peut par trop de syncrétisme nuire à la Réalisation de tout un chacun. Certains écrits sont créés pour fatiguer l'Ego et non pour fabriquer des concepts par des Professeurs qui enrichissent le Cycle de l'Existence Conditionnées au lieu d'offrir les Déclics de la Libération par Soi-Même ((( pas par le Soi psychique qui est plus qu'Egotique))) Juste un avis sur ce que la Méditation Instantanée m'offre.... Mes meilleures pensées
  • Gianna - vor 1 Jahr
    Grazie!magnifiche e chiare le tue parole. Con gratitudine Gianna
  • Peter - vor 10 Monaten
    What a Teaching ! I would like to know more of Marcia's experience with the Virgin of Guadalupe . Or her intuition about the Virgin of Guadalupe as an Enlightened Female . I do understand this Teaching was a while ago and there probably won't be an answer
  • Helene - vor 1 Monat
    Thank you for this wonderful conversation.. As I listened to it a few weeks ago there was a section at the end with informations how to stay connected. There was a Tara group practice announced that takes place on Tuesdays online. Dorothea and Daniela Dalal were mentioned as the holders. And as a contact info an email adress of Daniela was shown. Unfortunately I did not note it down then.. Today as I watched the conversation again this info section at the end has been taken out.As I am honestly interested in a Tara practice group I am asking if someone can tell me the contact info please. thanks a lot, Helene Wisser helene.wisser@web.de