Nekhor Webcast: Following the Footsteps of the Lotus-Born Guru
Nekhor Webcast: Following the Footsteps of the Lotus-Born Guru
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Nekhor Webcast: Following the Footsteps of the Lotus-Born Guru

February 07th 1:00 pm - February 07th 2:30 pm CET

Nekhor Webcast: Following the Footsteps of the Lotus-Born Guru
The Transmission of the Dharma to Tibet

We are delighted to invite you to our upcoming webcast, “Following in the Footsteps of the Lotus-Born Guru,” on Guru Rinpoche Day, February 7th.
In our previous webcast, we explored how Guru Rinpoche, together with the Great Abbot Shantarakshita and the Dharma King Trisong Detsen, laid the foundation of Samye Monastery and guided its seamless completion.

Continuing our aspiration to connect everyone with the life of Guru Padmasambhava, our next webcast will focus on Guru Rinpoche’s transmission of the sacred Dharma to Tibet. We will explore how Guru Rinpoche established sacred sites, trained disciples at Samye Chimpu, initiated them into Vajrayana, and shared the complete Buddhadharma, from its foundational principles to its highest teachings.

Join us on February 7th, in the 12th Tibetan month, as we celebrate Guru Rinpoche’s enthronement as the King of Uddiyana, continuing our journey in the footsteps of the Lotus-Born Guru.

If you have any questions, write to

Nekhor, meaning “pilgrimage” in Tibetan (or literally, “circling the sacred”), was first envisioned nearly a decade ago, in 2014 by Phakchok Rinpoche. Since then, our dedicated team has devoted themselves to researching and studying the precious life and sacred sites of Guru Rinpoche. In celebration of our ten-year anniversary, Nekhor started hosting a monthly webcast series on Guru Rinpoche Day, August 14th.

Event Details

Date: February 7th (Guru Rinpoche Day)
Time: 14:00-15:30 CET (Paris time) //  6:45 pm – 8:15 pm Nepal time

Languages: We will provide live interpretation into Chinese, Spanish, Vietnamese, Thai, and Ukrainian. Indonesian audio will be added later in the description of the video in YouTube. All audio versions will be accessible in the video’s description at the Samye Institute YouTube channel, and you can explore all webcasts in various languages at

Check the time for your time zone here.



Nekhor Webcast - Monthly Overview 2024

Title: Aspirations, Birth, Youth and Entrance into the Dharma
Sacred Sites: Jarung Kashor Stupa, Dhanakosha & Uddiyana
Date: 14th of August

Description: In the Tibetan Wood Dragon Year of 2024, the 6th Tibetan month auspiciously appears twice. Hence, our journey will commence auspiciously on the second Trelda Tsechu, celebrating Guru Rinpoche’s birth. During our webcast, we will explore Guru Rinpoche’s entrance into our world, his great aspirations made eons ago in front of the Great Jarung Kashor (Boudha Stupa) in Nepal, his sacred birth on Dhanakosha, and his upbringing in the pure land of Uddiyana. Join us as we delve into these profound events and follow in the footsteps of Guru Rinpoche.

Title: Gaining Accomplishment in the Charnel Grounds
Sacred Sites: Mount Malaya & the Eight Great Charnel Grounds
Date: 13th of September

Description: In the 7th Tibetan month, celebrating Guru Rinpoche’s victory over hostile forces, our webcast will delve into the history and significance of the eight great charnel grounds. We will explore their sacred origins, beginning with the liberation of Rudra on Mount Malaya and Guru Rinpoche’s practice of austerities, through which he manifested various enlightened forms and attained the first vidyadhara level. Join us as we uncover these profound events and follow in the footsteps of Guru Rinpoche.

Title: Establishing and Guarding the Dharma
Sacred Sites: Zahor, Maratika, and beyond
Date: 12th of October

Description: In the 8th Tibetan month, we will celebrate Guru Rinpoche’s transformation of poison into nectar. Our webcast will explore how Guru Rinpoche established and safeguarded the Dharma in Greater India. We will delve into how he turned the kingdom of Zahor towards the Dharma and reached profound accomplishment with Lhacham Mandarava at the Maratika caves in Nepal, unlocking the second vidyadhara level. Join us as we uncover these profound events and follow in the footsteps of Guru Rinpoche.

Title: Attaining Awakening
Sacred Sites: Swayambhu, Asura Cave and Yangleshö, Yarinak, Chumik Changchup
Date: 11th of November

Description: In the 9th Tibetan month, we will celebrate Guru Rinpoche’s attainment of the Mahamudra vidyadhara. Our webcast will explore Guru Rinpoche’s sacred journey to achieving the third vidyadhara level in Nepal. We will delve into how Guru Rinpoche met his spiritual consort, Belmo Shakyadevi, at the Swayambhu Stupa; his profound realization at the sacred caves of Asura Yangleshö through Vajrakilaya; and his subsequent taming of evil spirits at Yarinak and Chumik Changchup. Join us as we uncover these profound events and follow in the footsteps of Guru Rinpoche.

Title: Entrance to Tibet and Binding Spirits
Sacred Sites: Mangyul, Zurkhar Do and Mount Hepori
Date: 10th of December

Description: In the 10th Tibetan month, we will celebrate Guru Rinpoche’s subjugation of evil spirits. Our webcast will explore Guru Rinpoche’s sacred journey to Tibet. We will delve into how Guru Rinpoche was invited to Tibet, following his path to Central Tibet where he aided Dharma King Trisong Detsen, binding the wild and unruly spirits along the way. Join us as we uncover these profound events and follow in the footsteps of Guru Rinpoche.

Nekhor Webcast - Monthly Overview 2025

Title: Establishing Samye Monastery
Sacred Sites: Drakmar Drinzang, Tsogyal Lhatso and Samye
Date: 9th of January

Description: In the 11th Tibetan month, we will celebrate Guru Rinpoche’s hiding of great terma treasures. Our webcast will explore Guru Rinpoche’s establishment of Samye Monastery. We will delve into the key figures who aided this endeavor, including Khandro Yeshe Tsogyal, born at Tsogyal Lhatso, and Dharma King Trisong Detsen, born at Drakmar Drinzang. Alongside the Great Abbot Shantarakshita, they laid the foundation of Samye Monastery and ensured its completion without hindrance. Join us as we uncover these profound events and follow in the footsteps of Guru Rinpoche.

Title: Transmission of the Dharma
Sacred Sites: Samye Chimpu
Date: 7th of February

Description: In the 12th Tibetan month, we will celebrate Guru Rinpoche’s enthronement as the King of Uddiyana. Our webcast will explore Guru Rinpoche’s transmission of the sacred Dharma to Tibet. We will delve into how Guru Rinpoche, residing at Samye Chimpu, trained Tibetan translators, initiated them into Vajrayana, and transmitted the entirety of the Buddhadharma, from its sacred foundations to the pinnacle of its teachings. Join us as we uncover these profound events and follow in the footsteps of Guru Rinpoche.

No webcast but a pilgrimage to Nepal (still to be confirmed)

Title: Blessing the Land
The Eight Caves of Accomplishment
Sacred Sites: Drak Yangdzong, Samye Chimpu, Lhodrak Kharchu, Yarlung Sheldrak, Senge Dzong
Date: 7th of April

Description: In the 2nd Tibetan month, we will celebrate Guru Rinpoche’s entrance into the Dharma. Our webcast will resume, exploring Guru Rinpoche’s most sacred sites in Tibet: Drak Yangdzong, Samye Chimpu (Speech), Lhodrak Kharchu (Mind), Yarlung Sheldrak (Quality), and Senge Dzong (Activity). At these sacred sites, Guru Rinpoche blessed the land, practiced in retreat, achieved great siddhis, and hid terma treasures. These sites have since become embodiments of Guru Rinpoche’s awakened body, speech, mind, quality, and activity. Join us as we uncover these profound events and follow in the footsteps of Guru Rinpoche.

Title: A Trove of Profound Treasures
Sacred Sites: terma treasure sites
Date: 7th of May

Description: In the 3rd Tibetan month, we will celebrate Guru Rinpoche’s accomplishment of immortality. Our webcast will explore the history and significance of Guru Rinpoche’s terma treasures. We will delve into some of the principal termas hidden by Guru Rinpoche, how they were uncovered by great treasure revealers like Terchen Chokgyur Lingpa, and their impact on future disciples. Join us as we uncover these profound events and follow in the footsteps of Guru Rinpoche.

Title: Departure from Tibet and Creation of Zangdokpalri
Sacred Sites: Treasure Sites, Gungthang Pass, Zangdokpalri
Date: 5th of June

Description: In the 4th Tibetan month, we will celebrate Guru Rinpoche’s establishment of the kingdom of Zahor in the Dharma. We will delve into Guru Rinpoche’s departure from Tibet at the Gungthang Pass, exploring how he ensured the continuation of the Dharma, warded off the threat posed by the rakshasa demons, and created the pure land of Zangdokpalri. Join us as we uncover these profound events and follow in the footsteps of Guru Rinpoche.

Title: The Great Tertön
Sacred Sites: Khala Rongo, Chime Karmo Taktsang and Pema Shelpuk
Date: 5th of July

Description: In the 5th Tibetan month, we will celebrate Guru Rinpoche's efforts in defending and guarding the Buddhadharma. We will delve into Guru Rinpoche’s activities in Kham and examine the contributions of one of Tibet’s greatest treasure revealers, the Great Tertön Chokgyur Lingpa. Alongside Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo and Jamgön Kongtrul Lodrö Thayé, the Great Tertön worked tirelessly to ensure the continuation and preservation of Guru Rinpoche’s profound teachings. Thanks to this trio of great masters, many of Guru Rinpoche’s sacred teachings are still available to us today. Together, we will explore some of the central sacred sites where the Great Tertön’s profound treasure revelations unfolded. Join us as we uncover these significant events and follow in the footsteps of Guru Rinpoche.

Title: Celebration of the birth of Guru Rinpoche (tsok bum)
Date: 4th of August

Guide through Guru Rinpoche’s life story

Closely following the Pema Kathang, The Chronicles of Padma, a biography of Guru Rinpoche revealed by Orgyen Lingpa from Yarlung Sheldrak, the upcoming webcast will guide the viewers through Guru Rinpoche’s entire life story. Join us every month on Guru Rinpoche day, as we journey from Dhanakosha in Uddiyana, across the vast plains of India, through the valleys, mountains, and rivers of Nepal, up the Himalayas into the Tibetan Plateau, culminating in the sacred Gunthang Pass in Mangyul.

As Guru Padmasambhava was leaving Tibet, he consoled his grieving heart disciple, Khandro Yeshe Tsogyal with the following pith instruction:
When you recount my life-story, you will be filled with inspiration.༔
When you see my qualities and my understanding, deep faith will be born within you. ༔
When that faith becomes unshakeable conviction, then my blessing will enter and transform you. ༔
When your mind is free of all doubts, whatever you wish can be achieved. ༔
— Revealed by Tulku Zangpo Drakpa
Taking these precious words to heart, we sincerely invite you to join us this upcoming Guru Rinpoche Day via Samye Institute. For those unable to join the live event, recordings will be made available via our Nekhor YouTube channel. It is our deepest wish that recounting Guru Padmasambhava’s life and liberation through the principal places of their unfolding will allow Guru Rinpoche’s blessings to sink deep into the hearts of all who consider him their refuge and all who seek to grow closer to his sacred body, enlightened speech, and profound wisdom.

About Nekhor

An initiative of Samye Translations, and guided by Phakchok Rinpoche, Nekhor is driven by a single mission: to connect you with the sacred sites where awakened masters have lived, practiced, and benefited our world. Over the past decade, we developed the Nekhor website and app and published the three-part series "Following in Your Footsteps: The Lotus-Born Guru in Nepal, India, and Tibet," tracing the full arc of Guru Rinpoche’s enlightened journey through this world. Our goal is for Nekhor to become an ever-growing treasury of sacred sites, encompassing those of all buddhas, bodhisattvas, yidams, dakinis, and awakened masters who have blessed our world. 

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