9 Min. 12 Sek.
Unsere Vision nähren
Jetsün Khandro Rinpoche
Praktischer Rat für Studium, Praxis und Retreat
  • Lerab Ling, 10. und 12. Mai 2024
    Jetsün Khandro Rinpoche
    Praktischer Rat für Studium, Praxis und Retreat

Nurturing our vision: Advice for the Rigpa Sangha

A short extract from Jetsün Khandro Rinpoche's recent visit to Lerab Ling in May 2024.

More teachings and advice for the Rigpa Sangha will be added to this collection in the future.

3 Kommentare
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  • Beate - vor 9 Monaten
    Great advice, thanks a lot for sharing!
  • Olaf - vor 8 Monaten
    It's very encouraging to have Khandrola speak of Sogyal Rinpoche in this manner. Thank you Khandrola for your continued efforts and thanks for all who make Rigpa possible!
  • Catherine - vor 8 Monaten
    We really feel that atmosphere in Lerab ling. Thank you to all the marvellous team in Lerab ling that make that happen